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Changing the system from within the system.

Do we need an emergency situation to awake?
Yes we do need one most of the time.
We only get awake when a Parliament attack, Mumbai attack, Samjhouta express attack, Mumbai local Train attack etc do occur. The problem is not that we get awake when the crisis occurs. But the problem is we fall back to sleep when the crisis is over.
Let’s stop doing falling back to sleep.

Whenever a crisis occurs the first thing we think is that we need change the system.
We essentially first point our finger to the corrupt politics system, intelligence system, police system etc. The more we can name the more points we score as if we are in a mission only to find who the culprits are.

I have a problem with this notion of only fault finding and essentially taking no action based on the finding. Who comprises the system? None but us. The collective individuals comprise the system. It’s we who give birth to a corrupted system and continue to feed the system with corruption in everyday. How?
Let me give some example?

  • A teacher needs to teach and to evaluate how much he was able to teach through the evaluation process. We sometime shamelessly devalue the evaluation process to hide the root problem that’s we fared badly as teacher.
  • A leader who needs to lead and formulate guideline and go by the rules forgets the importance of the guidelines and rule and very reason of creating those rules and take decision which suits the short-term purpose.
  • A subordinate worker rues about the leadership in company of his co-worker but seldom take things where it matters.
  • A driver defies the rules of the road and blames the traffic system.

The example grows. We ourselves play all these roles in everyday life. Whenever we are breaking a rule however insignificant that may sound, we basically weakening the very nation we are part of. Every time we are lighting a cigarette in a public place we are weakening our very national hood. Every time we are throwing plastic tea cup here and there we are breaking the rules.  Every time we are complaining for over checking of our luggage we are expecting the system to get corrupted to spare us.

We need a healthy system where every actor plays their part and whenever we feel some of the rules needs change let’s play our part of changing the rules in the appropriate forum but let’s not start breaking the rules and also not allow other to break. We must own them. This we must practice to make our nation a developed nation and a nation with pride.


Debanjan said…
Our first approach towards a problem is to justify that someone else is responsible for it without even giving a mere glance to what we could have done.

It is high time friends that we look deep into our moral fiber to see whether it has withered off. Its really true that the whole corrupt system thrives on common man. The corrupt political leaders, the immoral bureaucracy are all too confident since they have a band-wagon comprising of a common man whom they think can be led astray and surprisingly they are right to a certain extent.

I personally have been amoral so many times in my life and I am sure so many of us have been and believe it or not that's the reason today a few outsiders could come inside into our country and smack us right on the face and we could do nothing except being rabidly foolish.

I feel sorry to say that this is not just an outcome but an outbreak of the desease that we have spread.

I have made a promise to myself for me and my future generations. I won't say what that promise is, its for every single individual to figure out his own promise towards the society that has given him the right to live and prosper. I just want to reiterate "Its all in OUR HANDS"...
Debanjan said…
I leave a place to start of with...
Md. Aliullah said…
Thanks Debanjan for your valuable inputs.The link is really very helpful (
with regards,
Md. Aliullah
Mustaf said…
Actually, the way i see the problem is that we have stopped "live and let live". The mantra was there before but it is more prominent today that "survival of the fittest".Everywhere today we are racing and we are ready to do whatever it takes to do. And if we don't do it, we will be left behind. So, no matter how much we write about it, no matter how much we rally for it, no matter how much we try to stop it, i think this will not stop, being practical that's my take.

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